The majority of claims are resolved within the first thirty days of placement.

Professional Corporate Debt Negotiator

Bonin Hanks And Associates Professional Third Death Recovery

Bonin Hanks & Associates is a commercial negotiations firm that specializes in third-party debt recovery. All payments are sent directly to our clients. The majority of claims are resolved within the first thirty days of placement. Our experienced team has an excellent track record, and our rates follow:

8% of any accounts placed under 1-year-old
15% of any accounts placed over 1-year-old or international
There is no charge unless we collect.
All payments are sent directly to our clients.
We do no accept Arizona based clients.

Debt negotiations

Global Headquarters (844) 514-5883

About Us

Bonin Hanks & Associates is a Global debt negotiation firm based in Arizona with offices nationally. If you want to address your financial problems with someone who can provide advice and experience, getting a debt negotiator is a good option. Contact us today to learn more. References available upon request.


Thank you for your interest in Bonin Hanks and Associates. Bonin Hanks & Associates is a professional debt negotiations firm, owned and operated by Jans Jobes & Associates. For questions or comments, please use the information listed here. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

B.K. Hanks- Director of Marketing
M.D. Hanks IT Director
E. Bonin- Director of Financial Operations
M. Williams - Director of Collections
W. Harrison- Sales Rep
G. Lyle- Sales Rep

(844) 514-5883


Hours of Operation
Daily: 5:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.